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Need a VA approved home builder?

Augusta Construction LLC is located at 485 Columbia Industrial Blvd, Evans GA, 30809. We are a VA (veterans administration) approved home builder in the Augusta, GA region.

New Home Construction

Let's Build Your New VA Financed Home

We have a construction team dedicated to making your dream home come true using the finest materials and a process that keeps you in the loop every step of the way. You will need a company registered with the Veterans Administration to build if you are going to use VA financing for your new home. We will provide the needed documentation to facilitate the process.

Custom Home Construction

Augusta Construction is the home building team who puts the customer first. This is your dream and we are here to help make it happen. From foundation to finish, your new home will be built to code using the finest materials.

New Custom Home Construction Augusta GA

Licensed, Bonded & Insured General Contractor

Customer Satisfaction 

The goal of every new home construction is to finish the job with an outstanding custom home for our clients.  We stand behind every home we build.  Our team of experts will help design and build the home of your dreams. Attention to detail is what sets us apart from the generic home builders in the industry. We are here to help your family live in a wonderful new home.

Building Materials

We will sit down with clients and dive into the materials needed to build your dream home.  We will show various options and give you feedback on whats works best and material cost.  We can special order materials not native to our area if needed. The client comes first and material selection is a big part of the home building process.

New Home Construction